It's been busy here. Particularly after we introduced support for Dolby Vision Profile 5 tonemapping on Vero V.

After April's OSMC release bringing Kodi v20.5, we planned to release Kodi v21 builds imminently. However we had a few final issues to fix up for users that cannot or do not wish to upgrade yet.

We've also finalised our support for Kodi v21 and this will be the final release of Kodi v20, with test builds for Kodi v21 now available on the forums.

The end of 2023 was also busy for us, with the announcement of Vero V, our fifth iteration of our flagship device. We're happy to announce significant playback improvements to the device in this update.

Here's what's new:

Bug fixes

  • Fix an issue where you could not resume playback after pausing on Vero 4K / 4K + / V
  • Fixed an issue which prevented manual configuration of WiFi and Ethernet when no DHCP server is present
  • Fixed missing panels in OSMC first run walkthrough when there is no network connection
  • Fixed network provisioning using the OSMC installer

Improving the user experience

  • Improved system performance during standby on Vero 4K / 4K + / V
  • Support official My OSMC hotfix retrieval from OSMC servers
  • Improved My OSMC backup system
  • Improved playback of progressive material on Vero 4K / 4K+ / v
  • Set up an OSMC Skin repository for users that want to use the OSMC Skin on other Kodi systems


  • Removed unused VC1 and MPEG2 codec settings on My OSMC for Raspberry Pi

Wrap up

To get the latest and greatest version of OSMC, simply head to My OSMC -> Updater and check for updates manually on your exising OSMC set up. Of course — if you have updates scheduled automatically you should receive an update notification shortly.

If you enjoy OSMC, please follow us on X, like us on Facebook and consider making a donation if you would like to support further development.

You may also wish to check out our Store, which offers a wide variety of high quality products which will help you get the best of OSMC.

Vero V is our latest and greatest flagship and the best way to enjoy OSMC.