
It's been busy here. Particularly after we introduced support for Dolby Vision Profile 5 tonemapping on Vero V. After April's OSMC release bringing Kodi v20.5, we planned to release Kodi v21 builds imminently. However we had a few final issues to fix up for users that cannot or do   

We hope you've had a good Easter. We've been working hard to improve OSMC for all platforms and keep things running smoothly. We've also finalised our support for Kodi v21 and this will be the final release of Kodi v20, with test builds for Kodi v21 being made available on   

We hope you've had a good Christmas and New Year. We've been working hard to improve OSMC for all platforms and keep things running smoothly. The end of 2023 was also busy for us, with the announcement of Vero V, our fifth iteration of our flagship device. Here's what's new:   

Merry Christmas! The OSMC team would like to wish you a Merry Christmas. We hope you're enjoying the festive break and watching lots of TV with OSMC. Eat well, drink well and take care and see you in the New Year! Best wishes Team OSMC   

Last month, we launched Vero V, our fifth iteration of our flagship device. We've been working tirelessly to ship our new device and the best way to enjoy OSMC as promptly as possible. Doesn't look too bad, does it? However, we've also been very busy improving OSMC and have a